Getting Started with OpenTok-RTC

OpenTalk-RTC is a web-based video conferencing app that uses the OpenTok platform. OpenTalk-RTC has its own customizable user interface. As I struggled to get it working, here is a quick start guide that may help you.
- Download the repository from github:
- Install Windows dependencies:
- Ensure you are using nodejs version 10. I tried older and newer versions of node but they didn’t work well.
- Install Redis for Windows:
- Install Grunt globally:
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install bower globally:
npm install -g bower
- Obtain API key and secret from OpenTok:
- Obtain data URL and secret from Firebase:
3. Create a config.json file in the config folder. Copy the code in the config/example.json file and paste it into your config.json file. Edit the following code:
"OpenTok": {
"apiKey": "<key>"
"apiSecret": "<secret>"
"Firebase": {
"dataUrl": "<firebase_url>",
"authSecret": "<firebase_secret>"
"Archiving": {
"enabled": true,
"archiveManager": {
"enabled": true
4. Install dependencies:
npm install
5. Run redis server:
6. Run application:
npm run dev
7. If the UI (CSS) does not appear to load, run the following commands:
bower install
grunt clientBuild
8. To enable recording go to the config.json in the config folder:
"Archiving": {
"enabled": true,
"archiveAlways": false,
"pollingInitialTimeout": 5000,
"pollingTimeoutMultiplier": 1.5,
"archiveManager": {
"enabled": false,
"emptyRoomMaxLifetime": 3
Also, go into the room.less file and remove “display: none” from #startArchiving
Lastly, go to the min.ejs, roomView_spec.html file, and room.ejs file and remove “disabled” from the <li disabled> parent of the <a id=”startArchiving”>